ChiaoGoo Knitting Needles
Perfection of Aesthetics and Function
The philosophy of the brand is reduction to the essential - beauty through natural simplicity. Raw materials of the highest quality are combined with a clear and functional design.
The result are precisely manufactured and thoughtfully designed products that open up a new dimension in knitting pleasure. The foundation stone for the company was laid by grandfother Zheng more than 100 years ago in Linon, the Chinese bamboo center. His son followed the family tradition and in the early 1980s opened a manufacturing facility specializing in the production of bamboo knitting needles. A decisive role in the success of the brand was played by his wife. The passionate knitter is the founder of ChiaoGoo's vision, to create the perfect tool for knitters and crocheters. lnspired by her, the company got the name ChiaoGoo, which means "talented and smart Iady" and at the same time can be understood as a tribute to oll manual workers.
Today grandfother Zheng's grandchildren successfully continue the family business. They are also from Linon. The region is world famous because of its largest and strongest bamboo - the Moso bamboo. The special quality of this bamboo is one of the secrets of the ChiaoGoo bamboo needles.
ln addition to bamboo as a traditional source of the company, ChiaoGoo uses premium-quality regional natural woods from sustainable c ultivation like rubber wood a nd birch. However ChiaoGoo is meanwhile most popular for its partic ulary high-quality stainless steel. The needles made of this special stainless steel are manufactured using state-of-the-art technologies in numerous elaborate steps and arealso suitable for particularly sensitive hands.
All needles are ideally balanced, very lig ht and application-optimized. They ha ve seamless transitions and perfectly shaped tips for a perfect stitch pattern.